
Environment & Renewable Energy and Climate Challenges

The team assists a diverse clientele, both private and public, and offers a full range of expertise allowing for personalised support in both advisory and litigation matters, from the setting up to the management of projects as legal advisor, in particular, with a strong capacity to integrate all the technical issues related to the subjects dealt with. It also knows how to set up local support for complex projects by mobilising new technologies to ensure fluidity in exchanges.

Areas of intervention

  • Environment : polluted sites and soils, management of all types of pollution, asbestos, third party procedures, economic recovery of degraded land via public/private partnerships; WEEE and household waste, and circular economy (recovery of excavated materials, sediments, and all types of materials, removal of waste status, recovery of compost and digestate), innovative materials for ocean racing/ shipbuilding; management of ICPEs and regulatory procedures associated with the creation of activities with environmental impacts; management of biodiversity protection issues, environmental compensation mechanisms, real environmental obligation (ORE), management of data related to the knowledge and protection of ocean environments on behalf of public and private operators, solutions for climate challenges (consulting, litigation, legal assistance, project set-up and management).
  • Renewable energies: Legal assistance for hydrogen units (design, production, operation, storage and distribution), hydrogen, electricity and water sales contracts, thalassothermal energy, methanization (design, production), photovoltaic and agri-photovoltaic energy, offshore wind energy, drafting of agreements and associated contracts for public and private operators, consulting and litigation.
  • Urban planning, real estate and construction: legal assistance on all issues related to the setting up of operations, authorizations to be obtained, advice, litigation and legal expertise.
  • Public law and public procurement: public procurement and innovative public procurement, delegation and concession of public services, BEA, setting up complex operations, public domaniality, general law of public authorities and public establishments, management and operation of public services (SEM, SEMOP, etc.), legal assistance, advice and litigation.